Editor’s Note: This is an Italian article and my translation of it. If you actually know Italian and would like to improve it, please contact me.
Original Italian:
Dischi: Leggera
LA STAMPA dell'8 Marzo 1986
Tom Petty and the Haethbreakers: "Pack up the plantation - Live", mca. Il blondo rocker della Florida ha registrato questo album nell'arco di sette anni, dal '78 all'80. "Southern accents" e "The waiting" sono i due brani che emergono dall'album che ripercorre la brillante e fragorosa carriera di Tom Petty. Un disco con qualche difetto di registrazione ma che vale la pena di seguire nelle sue evoluzioni rock con il cuore in mano.
English Translation:
Disks: Light
La Stampa - March 8, 1986
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers: "Pack Up The Plantation -- Live," MCA. The blond, Floridan rocker has recorded this album over seven years, from 1978 and '80. "Southern Accents" and "The Waiting" are two songs that emerge from this album, which traces the brilliant and loud career of Tom Petty. A disk recording with some flaws, but is worth it to follow its evolution in rock with heart and hand.