The Petty Archives

Editor's Note: This is an Icelandic article and my translation of it. If you actually know Icelandic and would like to improve it, please contact me.

  • 1980-02-24_Timinn

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Original Icelandic:
Tom Petty  and the  Heartbreakers — Damn  the Torpedoes | ★★★★

„Damn  the  Torpedoes"  — Bölvuð  ver i  tundurskeytin, nefnist  nýjasta  plata  bandarisku  rokkhljómsveitarinnar Tom  Petty  and  the  Heartbreakers.  Þessi  plata  er  þriðja plata  hljómsveitarinnar  og  trúlega  sú  besta  til þessa — a.m.k. hefur  plötunni  verið  ákaflega vel  tekið,  jafnt  af  gagnrýnendum  sem  almenningi.

Tom  Petty  and  the  Heartbreakers  slógu  fyrst  I  gegn  á Knebworth  hljómleikahátiðinni I  Bretlandi  fyrir  tæpum  tveim árum  slðan  og  varð  hljómsveitin  fljdtlega  þekkt  i  Bretlandi sem  besta  nybylgjuhljómsveit Bandarikjanna.  Þetta  „uppnefni"  átti  þó  ekki  við  nein  rök að styðjast  enda  er  hljómsveitin sprottin  ur  allt  öðrum  jarðvegi en  hinar  eiginlegu  nýbylgjuhljómsveitir  og  eihs  vantaði mikið  á  að  tonlistin  stæðist  þær „kröfur"  sem  gerðar  eru  til  nýbylgjuhljómsveita.  „Damn  the Torpepoes"  er  besta  vitnið  um tónlist  Tom  Petty  og  félaga hressilegt rokk  og á köflum  með „country"  ívafi  og  reyndar  er eitt  lagiðá  plötunni,  „Louisiana rain"  I  hreinræktuðum „country  rock"  stíl.  „Damn  the Torpedoes"  er  mjög  jöfn  og skemmtileg  plata,  vaxandi hljómsveitar,  sem  varla  hefur sungið  sitt  slðasta. —ESE

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers -- Damn the Torpedoes | ★★★★
Review by ESE

Tíminn - February 24, 1980

"Damn the Torpedoes" -- Damn the Torpedoes is the name of the new record by American rock band Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. This record is the third record by the band is is probably the best so far -- the record has been extremely well accepted, both by critics and the public.

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers' first strike was at the Knebworth Festival in the U.K. less than two years ago and made the the band well-known in the U.K. as the best New Wave band from the United States. This "nickname" was not of any substance as the band was rooted in a different soil than the New Wavers and their music was missing a lot of the "demands" of New Wave. "Damn the Torpedoes" is the best witness of music by Tom Petty and Co, with refreshing rock and at times with "country" drinking is in fact one fine song, "Lousiana Rain," in purebred "country rock" style. "Damn the Torpedoes" is a very even and entertaining record by a growing band which has hardly sung their last. -- ESE