The Petty Archives

"I don't know if it's just Gainesville, maybe it's the whole country, but there are few places where you can go into a club and actually hear musicians doing things, playing rock. 'I'm into jazz, I'm past rock & roll.' That's a fairly common excuse. Rock music is just pretty rare these days."

- Tom Petty

Did You Know...

...that after leaving the Heartbreakers in the early 1980s, Ron Blair ran a swimwear shop?

...that Tom Petty appeared with Dwight Twilley on a children's television show called Wacko?

...that Tom Petty was invited to perform for the American Assocation of Nude Recreation?

Random Quote

"I like those old cheap rock songs. I really do, as much as I like 'Born to Run,' you know, but I just had this theory that if it's a good song, whatever that is, it will endure. I think any songwriter that stands up and plays the guitar and really thinks that he's changing the world and singing to millions needs a tomato in the face."

- Tom Petty