The Petty Archives

Bob, Tom and the Heartbreakers team up for a Montreal gig
By Thomas Schnurmacher
The Montreal Gazette - November 30, 1985

Did you enjoy Bob Dylan when he performed with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers at the September FarmAid concert at the University of Illinois?

If you did, you will be able to enjoy Bob, Tom, and the Heartbreakers in Montreal, which has been fortunate enough to have been included on Dylan's coming North American tour.

Forty-four-year-old Dylan has long had a soft spot in his heart for Montreal. When he first performed here at the old Potpourri club on Stanley St. in June 1962, he was still using his real name of Robert Zimmerman.

Two months after his Montreal gig, he changed his name to Dylan in honor of poet Dylan Thomas.

At the time, Dylan was barely even known in Greenwich Village, where he would often play for spare change in the dimly lit coffee houses. He received only $200 for that Thursday-to-Sunday gig at the Potpourri in 1962 and he even had to pay for his own transportation.

Since then, the times have definitely been a changin'.

Exact dates have not been yet been confirmed, but my concert spy, Juan Knightstand, tells me August looks good.